Austin D. Boyd Co. D 4th O. Inf. Camp Perry, Ohio Well I guess this is all for now. Will write when I can. Your son A.D.B. Having been at Camp Perry for a week, we can assume that things have settled down to routine and now the rumors are starting about where they are going next. As usual, the rumors are wrong.Camp Perry, Ohio, Aug 30, '17 Dear Folks, Well how are you? I am allright. It has been pretty wet here the last few days but it is drying off now. I got a letter from Edna and Cary both this week. I think we will leave here in a week or so. That Rev. Holiday that used to preach at the Methodist Church is our Chaplain and he is postmaster also. The grub is pretty good but not too plenty sometimes. I haven't heard from Mollie yet but I wrote her a week ago Sunday. They have changed our regiment from the 4th O. to the 166th U.S. Inf. so address your letters that way after this but be sure to put Co. D. on it as some of it is lost anyway. There are some of the boys I knew in Mt. Gilead in Co. A from Cardington. I got 2 suits of under clothes, another shirt, 3 pair of shoes, a poncho, a new mess kit, a cot, 2 blankets, a straw tick, and will get a lot more stuff before we are done with our outfit. We are to get 2 wool suits and 2 suits of underclothes and more socks and shoes, hats, gloves, and so on. We get a shelter half and a haver sack and I don't know what all yet that we take right with us when ever we move camp. I am going to send some money home next payday if we ever get another one. Well I guess this is about all. Your son, A.D. Boyd This letter like many that will come, reflect his concern for his parents financial situation. He is sending money home for them. His father being a retired farmer would have no real income, and Grandpa being the youngest child and still living at home, is basically supporting his parents. His father did run a "truck garden" (a large garden big enough to have things to sell - truck to market).